Fiction Part 1: My thoughts on Fiction

Fiction Part 1

My thoughts on Fiction

Fiction has been my favorite type of genre for the longest of time, even since I was a little kid. My favorite part of fiction is how there is always something new to read and explore since authors' imaginations are always expanding stories to things that have never been brought up before. Although all the books may be fiction or about fantasy elements, each author's story brings new ideas, characters, and events that are very unique. Sometimes an author's story can be so creative that I can never see the end result coming. Suspense in fiction is one of my favorite techniques because most of the time it is unexpected and I'm not expecting it where in mystery books I already know there will be suspense. One time I was reading a book in the middle of the "Throne of Glass" series and it was such great writing that I was gasping at the ending of the novel. I immediately picked up the next book in the series because I wanted to know what would happen to the characters and the storyline.

Our book discusses fiction as "stories or narrative about imaginary person and events" (Mays 16). Fiction involves countless imaginary elements along with creativity that would not be found in nonfiction books that are based on history or true events. Although I only really like reading fiction, I have enjoyed reading memoirs in the past for assignments due to reading about the author's thoughts and feelings about their own life. Fiction also provides a look into the author's style and thoughts on certain opinions seen through the lives of their characters. Fiction and dystopian novels provide insight on how the authors perceive how society acts. 

Our class discussions about fiction so far have been very insightful and helpful to grasping the author's meanings and techniques. I have enjoyed contributing my thoughts about the pieces as well as hearing different thoughts and opinions from other people. Be on the look out for posts about writings such as "Araby" and "The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket".


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