Poetry Part 2: "I wandered lonely as a cloud"

Poetry Part 2 

"I wandered lonely as a cloud" by William Wordsworth 

This type of poem by William Wordsworth is a lyric poem which is commonly known today to focus on feelings and thoughts conveyed through a speaker from a first person point of view. In this poem I was able to tell right away that this poem had characteristics of a lyric poem due to the first person view but also the rhythm of the poem creates an urge to speak this poem out loud. Through this poem we are able to dive into the personal feelings of the speaker and grasp

certain thoughts he has while alone. In our class discussion, the idea of the speaker having a happy solitude really resonated with how I thought of not only the speaker but also moments in my life. Sometimes our happiest moments can happen when we are alone and in our own space of solitude. I know some days all I want to do is curl up under a blanket and spend some time by myself, which is where I can focus on myself and the life around me. Similarly in this poem the speaker finds himself needing to be alone to feel these happy emotions of reflecting back on the life around him and what nature could do for him. 

Meaningful parts of the poem's word choice/description: 

- Golden daffodils 

- Fluttering and dancing 

- Sprightly dance 

- Sparkling waves in glee 

- Flash upon my inward eye, which is the bliss of solitude 

- Heart with pleasure fills 


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