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"Every story has an end, but in life every ending has a new beginning"

 Signing off for now :) Thank you for staying and reading about my thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the literature in my Intro to English Major class and also my daily life experiences. Recap of my thoughts I came across the random quote, "Every story has an end, but in life every ending has a new beginning", and I thought it was a good way to summarize and wrap up my blogs for my Intro to English Major class. I quite enjoyed the class, even if I stressed out about the readings and quizzes. My favorite part of the class was the group discussion and hearing people's thoughts on the different pieces. Some points even caught me by surprise since I didn't think of it and I was excited to learn about new theories or thoughts about stories that were not as clear in their meanings. I wanted to take time to collect what I have gone over through my posts and the class while also mentioning a few things I haven't talked about before. Interesting Poems: The Eagle Metapho...

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